Friday, June 10, 2011

Facebook, Google and privacy

Honestly, I never worry much about privacy on Internet before. In Vietnam, we do not care much about those things. However, since I came to Singapore, chit chat with some foreign friends, they constant reminding me about this issue.

One of my old habit before accepting any friend request for IM is  do a quick search on who is adding me. Nothing seriously here, i just want to know how could they found my nickname, and how we know each other. And from time to time, it always surprises me on how much information I can pull from Google about that person, not only the real name, photo, and sometimes even contact numbers and everything. I can tell where they live, what their hobbies are, etc. with those information.Not so bad for a trace by just a nickname huh?

With Facebook, things are more interesting. From my observation, people give all the information willingly. Many people put their phone number, address to public, family information. People are very suspecting if anybody ask them, but not when Facebook ask them. Very interesting, isn't it? But how bad is it?

I encountered some nasty issue with social engineering before. It is one of the most popular trick of hacker. By using some private information, they could trick other people to think that they are talking to that particular person, and voila, get the information they one. Moreover, nobody knows that something you write on Facebook will turn against you someday. There are many examples about this recently.

Well, when i said i not worry much about privacy before, it is not really true. Somebody try to put their name on search engine top pages, i'm trying my best to blend into the crow. If you google my name, Truong Phi Hung, there are many other Truong Phi Hung out there, my name is only on pages that i think it is at least not looking bad.

But is it a right choice? who know?

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